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Restoring Hope

Friends of Chernobyl's Children - Maghull & Ormskirk

Friends of Chernobyl's Children is a registered charity that funds and organises yearly visits for Belarusian children from disadvantaged social backgrounds to the UK, where they stay with host families for temporary recuperative care. The charity targets particularly needy children from seven to twelve years of age, who are often in need of dental and medical attention, education, and tender loving care. The children, from the badly contaminated areas of Belarus, come for one month every year for five consecutive years, which has been shown to have a significant effect on their overall quality of life, their happiness, health and well-being.

Every year the FOCC funds hundreds of children from Belarus to visit the UK where they are cared for a month by DBS-checked and vetted host families. During their stay, we ensure that the children take part in daily trips and activities that meet their social, health and educational needs. The children return to the same host family for up to five years where possible. 
The FOCC identifies children aged between seven and twelve who are most at need: children from large families, one-parent families, and foster children. Many of these children live in poverty in contaminated areas and suffer general poor health. We fund a 4-week visit to the UK each year for up to five consecutive years per child. The charity currently funds the visits of hundreds of children each year to 26 different groups across the UK – and the number is growing.

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Friends of Chernobyl's Children - Maghull & Ormskirk is a registered charity.

Charity Number: 1084527

Headquarters: Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, Lancashire.

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